Pick of the Week

The Mighty Duck
The duck, nature’s greatest and most unique creation! Masters of the water, air, and land, the duck propagates itself throughout the world bringing joy and splendor to all! Forgive my hyperbole, but my eyes were immediately drawn to this beautifully…

I’m a real toy!
So here is an actual toy for my pick of the week for Pook and Pook’s toy sale with Noel Barret which begins at 10:00 AM EST, in Downingtown, Pennsylvania on Saturday, June 15th, 2019. I like to look at…

Wir haben das Fleisch!
The June 15th toy sale here at Pook and Pook Auction in association with Noel Barrett Auctions has too many neat things to just pick one! My first pick was a salesman sample so I didn’t use up my toy…

Sheth of a Salesman
Ok, I have been behind schedule for my pick of the week. Too many eggs and too many baskets. So now I am going to make my picks of the week, as in more than one. I couldn’t decide on…

The fairest one of wall?
This week I chose something that meets some of my must have criteria for me to consider it to be a great antique. Some of those benchmarks for me include scarcity, size, color, surface and eye appeal. It’s a forgone…

Jenny Rebecca
As soon as my eyes set on this piece of art, I was immediately drawn to it. It’s interesting and unique. My pick of the week is Lot 136 in the upcoming May 4th auction, an oil on linen still…

Who? Who wants to bid on this lot?
As the spring Americana sale is fast approaching, I wanted to get a pick of the week out there and share some spring inspiration. With over 400 lots I had plenty of things to chose from. The obvious choice and…

Shaken, not Stirred
It very well may be difficult to call a gun a work of art but my pick this week is just that. Lot 16 of Pook and Pook Auctions firearms and military sale on April 13th, 2019, is certainly a…
Form vs. Functionality
My pick for this week is strictly based on functionality. This lot, lot 86, comes to us from the Furnishings and Decorative Items of the Home and Offices of Dr. Albert and Laura Barnes, which will be sold at Pook and…
Munsters Meets Marvin the Martian
My pick this week come from the estate of Jonathan Barrow of Los Angeles, California. What a terrific find in this Japanese tin friction car. While the airplanes are cool, this one for me has such great lines. I chose…
Flying the Friendly Skies
This pick is from our spring online only toy auction which is being held on Saturday, February 9th, 2019 beginning at 9 AM EST. The showcases and tables here in Downingtown, Pennsylvania will be filled with a nice cross section…
King of the Jungle
I am stuck in a quandary once again. Trying to narrow down to one thing for this week’s pick. What a nice problem to have! I could easily select another fraktur, just look at lots 643 and 644 in our…
Pennsylvania, Painted, & Pine!
Christmas is now in the rear-view mirror. New Year’s Day is approaching faster than my dog from the end of the yard when I say the word treat. Not to mention the Pook and Pook January catalog auction is just…
All the Bells and Whistles
I am giving advance notice that our upcoming January Americana and International auction on January 11th and 12th in Downingtown, Pennsylvania is an exceptional sale! There are several estates and collections featured including those of Kenneth and Elizabeth Johnson of…
Spinning, Churning, Twirling
This week I wanted to choose one of the amazing steam toy accessories set to cross the auction block on Saturday, December 8th, 2018. I am trying to picture in my mind the grandiose layout with several large steam power…