Christmas shopping after Christmas?
Many of you have received our catalog featuring the collection of Roland and Marilyn Kemble (and if you didn’t, you can order it here), which went out just ahead of Santa’s sleigh. For some of you the post office will drop this treat off just before the credit card bills come rolling in. As I flip through, I cannot help but to be drawn to one of the many outstanding weathervanes that the Kemble’s have put back over their many years in the antique business. I find myself looking at many iconic weathervane forms. The leaping stag I find to have particular pleasing lines, the running horse reminds me of glory days long gone and how do you get more of an American image than that of the eagle. I decided that one weathervane had everything hammered into one – lot #90, the lobster! What great lines showing well executed details and an excellent gilt surface. This one has it all! And we all know how size matters. This lobster measures 51 ½” long from the tip of the claw to the end of the segmented tail. Even the hungriest of us all would struggle just to finish one claw down at any of the memorable lobster shacks on the rocky Maine coast. So, sign up to bid and see if you can add this crustacean to your collection. Ask at the front desk if maybe they have bidder paddles in the shape of a fork, as well as one large bib.